This page contains an overview of a new market study from Flow Research on the worldwide gas flowmeter market. If you are interested in the study, please contact Jesse Yoder at Flow Research by email at jesse@flowresearch.com, or call Flow Research at 781-245-3200.
About Module C This module focuses specifically on the market for custody transfer of natural gas, the fastest growing niche within the flowmeter market. Much of the growth in this market has been due to growth in the use of ultrasonic flowmeters for custody transfer applications. This growth has been spurred by the publication of AGA-9 by the American Gas Association (AGA) in 1998, updated in 2007, as well as standards from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML). AGA-9 lays out criteria for buyers and sellers of natural gas to follow when using ultrasonic flowmeters for custody transfer of natural gas. Module C contains market data on DP, turbine, and ultrasonic flowmeters for custody transfer of natural gas, compares their use, and projects the growth in these technologies through 2019. Whats included: Market data on ultrasonic, turbine, and differential pressure (DP) flowmeters used for custody transfer applications Flowmeter growth projections through 2019 Comparison of flowmeter types in custody transfer Strategies for selling into this market Segmentation The proposed segmentation for this study is as follows: Geographic Segmentation North America (United States and Canada) Europe (including Central Europe and Former Soviet Union) Middle East / Africa Japan China Asia without Japan / China Latin America (Mexico, Central America, and South America) Flowmeters by Type Coriolis Ultrasonic Turbine Differential Pressure (DP) Primary Elements Custody Transfer Flowmeters by Application Upstream Downstream Flowmeters by Sales Channel Direct Sales Independent Representatives Distributors E-Business Flowmeters by Customer Type End-Users OEMs Systems Integrators Engineers/Consultants Strategies for Success Discussion of market forces at work Technical developments Strategic action perspectives Forming alliances to enhance product offerings Also Included: Average pricing data Obstacles to growth Reasons behind custody transfer metering success Quantified growth rates worldwide and by region
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